Brandon on the GO
Brandon on the GO
Brandon on the GO
Aventure Outaouais

Aventure Outaouais

Open year-round
Gatineau, Gatineau (Québec), Canada

Aventure Outaouais invites you to meet local producers and discover hidden gems and natural wonders, packing as many remarkable activities as possible into one visit! From a tour of the Pontiac Wine and Cider Trail to excursions in Petite Nation or Gatineau Park, Aventure Outaouais is your gateway to the authentic Outaouais. On your next visit to Canada’s National Capital Region, book your guided tour for an all-inclusive Outaouais adventure!

Nearby attractions

0 m

Ottawa classic rides

50 m

Downtown Gatineau

50 m


100 m

Pêle Mêle - Vieux-Hull

100 m

Mardi Gras Gatineau

110 m

Espace René-Provost

120 m


120 m

Bistro CoqLicorne

120 m

Place Aubry

130 m

Théâtre Dérives Urbaines

Blogs and routes


Where to Go Dog Sledding in the Outaouais


Discover These Haunted Sites in the Outaouais!