Outaouais, December 17, 2024 – Outaouais Tourism is proud to present, in partnership with the École hôtelière de l’Outaouais, the first edition of the competition L’Outaouais en cuisine! This new initiative will showcase the talent of local chefs facing-off in a friendly competition, open to the public, this February 26, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. at the École hôtelière de l’Outaouais.
This competition is a continuation of L’Outaouais au menu, a Outaouais Tourism event that has enjoyed great success in promoting local chefs and produce since its first edition in the fall of 2023.
“Our team is delighted with the positive impact of L'Outaouais au menu, whose second edition ended last November. Participating restaurants and customers were pleased with the initiative, prompting us to launch a second gourmet event. The competition L'Outaouais en cuisine is not only a great opportunity to showcase the talent of the local chefs, but also to support the next generation of chefs and reinforce the outstanding status of the Outaouais as a gastronomic destination.”
– Geneviève Latulippe, CEO of Outaouais Tourism
The competition
Over the next few weeks, 13 participating local chefs will be assigned to develop recipes for sweet or savoury bite-sized dishes specifically designed for L'Outaouais en cuisine. Each contestant will then be paired with a team of four students from the École hôtelière de l'Outaouais, who will be challenged to prepare and present the chefs' delicious creations at a cocktail reception on February 26.
At the end of the evening, two prizes will be awarded: the Jury's Choice Award and the Public's Favourite Award. Stay tuned: participating chefs and event details will be announced shortly!
If you're a culinary arts and gastronomy enthusiast, this is an event you won't want to miss! Watch the promotional video for a taste of what’s awaiting you. Tickets for this event will be available in January 2025.
Guest of honour and judges
Outaouais Tourism is thrilled to announce the participation of Manuela Teixeira, CEO of Square Old Chelsea, as guest of honour for L’Outaouais en cuisine.
"L'Outaouais en cuisine is a wonderful opportunity to showcase the talent and creativity of our chefs, while inspiring the next generation to excel in the culinary field. This event perfectly reflects our rich gastronomic heritage and our desire to make the Outaouais shine as a gourmet destination of choice", says Manuela Teixeira, CEO of Square Old Chelsea and spokesperson for L'Outaouais en cuisine.
In addition, a panel of judges consisting of four renowned chefs will take part in the event to select the winner of the competition: Éric Chagnon-Zimmerly (North & Navy), Justin Champagne-Lagarde (Perch), Marc-Olivier Eloy (Vallée du Richelieu Golf Club and private chef), and Yannick LaSalle (Supreme Court of Canada).
For a full description of their bios, please visit the new website for the event.
This competition was made possible thanks to the financial support from the Entente sectorielle de développement du secteur bioalimentaire de l'Outaouais 2022-2025 (ESBO). We would also like to thank our partners: Wapokunie Riel-Lachapelle, consultant and event coordinator, content creation agency Wenov and the École hôtelière de l’Outaouais, which will host the event and coordinate student involvement.
About Outaouais Tourism Outaouais Tourism is a private, non-profit organization created by and for the industry over 40 years ago. Outaouais Tourism is a privileged partner of the Quebec government in the tourism sector and contributes to the region’s economic development by overseeing regional coordination, hospitality, information, promotion, marketing and tourism development.
About the Entente sectorielle de développement du secteur bioalimentaire de l’Outaouais (ESBO) The ESBO aims to support the development of the Outaouais biofood sector through projects that meet the objectives of the Plan de développement bioalimentaire de l’Outaouais 2020-2025 and the Plans de développement de la zone agricole.
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For information Alice Charbonneau-Bernier Communications and Public Relations Manager acharbonneau-bernier@tourisme-outaouais.ca C. : 819 576-3185